A Vindication

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
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Just got off the phone with George Bach, the ACLU attorney who represents Laura Berg, the VA nurse investigated for sedition for writing a letter to the Alibi. If you don’t remember this whole sordid story, here’s our original article http://alibi.com/index.php?story=14092 and our interview with Ms. Berg http://alibi.com/index.php?story=14352 Anyway, Bach is happy with the latest news. Veteran Affairs Secretary R. James Nicholson has admitted that Berg’s “letter to [the Alibi] did not amount to sedition.” Hey, no shit! Thanks for pointing that out. Berg also received a private apology from her boss. Well, at least the air has been cleared, to some extent. “We’re still going to continue to push the FBI for the FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request documents and see what’s in there,” says Bach. “For now, though, we feel like she was vindicated.”
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