Adult Braces

Edith P. Giblets
1 min read
Adult Braces
I wonder how her husband’s genitals feel about this.
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The subject of adult braces has been popping up quite a bit around the Alibi’s World Headquarters. Two members of our extended family have found out they might need braces, both of whom already had braces as kids. Thus, we’ve uncovered a bit about braces in the 21st century:

cost more than you think.

There are
many kinds.

Your parents won’t pay for it this time.

I am one of these adults facing the possibility of two years of grown-up metal mouth. The first time around, my mom would take me to get a Wendy’s Frosty after each adjustment (where they put on the bands and cause pain). Now, I will drive myself, and then reward my bravery by going to Quarters, buying Jameson, driving to Wendy’s, buying a Frosty and then pouring Jameson into the Frosty. Then, if this blending of past and present continues, I will go to the gym where I’ll get the shit knocked out of me in dodgeball.
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