Ah, To Be Mayor Forever (Enter Harp)

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Ah, To Be Mayor Forever (Enter Harp)
Except you, McCheese. You’re mayor times infinity.
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Looks like ours isn’t the only mayor in the country to find himself suddenly without a seat and opt to seek a third term—even though it’s kinda illegal.

You remember when Mayor Martin Chavez was toying with the idea of
seeking re-election in 2009, even though the city’s charter doesn’t allow a third consecutive term. He was eyeing Domenici’s seat, but that didn’t work out. He had his sights on the governorship, but that doesn’t look so hot either. So where will Chavez go?

Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York might pull a
similar move and flaunt legislation requiring a mayor to serve only two terms.

Not knowing where else to go is a bad reason to mess with term limits. As things stand, you can be mayor of Albuquerque as many times as you like, just not more than twice in a row. (Chavez has been mayor three times). Even that’s foolish. You should get two shots. Then, you’re done.

You can go anywhere you like, mayors, but you can’t stay here.
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