Albuquerque Fallout Boy Fight

Nick Brown
2 min read
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Albuquerque is enjoying a little bit of infamy on among Fallout Boy fans… or friends, rather. The band was filmed last month brawling with security guards at the Sunshine Theater, who they felt were mistreating their fans…I mean, friends. It’s easy to find longer clips of the conflict, but here’s the meat of it including bass player Pete Wentz’s triumphant battle cry: “That’s what you get when you fuck with my friends you fucking assholes!” A noble sentiment sweetly expressed.

There’s another droll clip of some old dude (their tourmanager, maybe?) recounting the fight and the motivation behind it. Note the tasty bottle of booze behind him. He explains how Fallout Boy doesn’t have fans – they have friends.

Fallout Boy’s publicity team latched onto the incident for hype value, but Sunshine’s Joe Anderson gives a slightly different account. It seems he told the band’s tour manager about Sunshine’s policy of no audience members on stage, but the message never made it to the band. The resulting confusion led to a scuffle between the band’s security detail and Sunshine’s. Wentz jumped in for a couple cheap shots. He’s not so Henry Rollins-esque as you’d be led to believe.
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