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ABQ Beer Geek
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No, not in a keg stand—from a 10-gallon cask called a "firkin." At Saturday’s Cask Ale Festival, nine New Mexico breweries will pour 14 of these selections. Cask ale is also called “real ale” or “live ale” because active yeast is added to the firkin, which allows for a secondary fermentation that produces a soft, natural carbonation without the use of CO 2 . The beers are also served at a higher temperature, enhancing the flavor and aroma. Join the New Mexico Brewers Guild in experiencing Britain’s old-standard serving method but with our own New Mexican brewers’ interpretations. $20 covers all the samples, plus a pint of your favorite, from noon to 4 p.m. at La Cumbre Brewing (3313 Girard NE).
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