Alibi Picks: Eye See

Sam Adams
1 min read
Eye See
(Photo by David Wiley)
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The Albuquerque Photographers’ Gallery is a co-op financed by a group of about 10 shutterbugs. The project started in 2003 and moved to Old Town in April 2011. Its first juried show, In the Mind’s Eye , is tonight from 5 to 8 p.m. The gallery put out a call for submissions and received more than 100 photos, which it edited down to 30 images from 18 photographers, all on display at the exhibition. The theme is "What is your vision of the world?" If you’re scratching your head on that one, you’re not alone. After viewing some images from the show, however, I can assure you that there’s some fascinating work involved. As member Tom Spross says, "We purposely left it open."
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