Alibi Picks: The Mayans Said There'd Be Days Like This

Alibi Picks: The Mayans Said There'd Be Days Like This

Adam Fox
1 min read
The Mayans Said There'd Be Days Like This
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This whole "tentative Armageddon" thing isn’t very healthy to carry around in our collective psyche on top of economic collapse and nuclear war, but we proudly sign up anyway. Did the Mayans accurately predict the cessation of life as we know it on Dec. 21, or does it carry as much clout as the annual Apocalypse scare? Let the theories run wild on today at UNM’s Student Union Building during a special documentary screening of The Alignment Within. See interviews with genuine Mayan calendar "day keepers" and students who study under the calendar and adhere to its stipulations. Tickets are $10, or $5 for students and seniors. Admission includes a Q & A session with director and producer Dr. José Jaramillo. For more on the film, visit
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