Alibi Picks: Tomé Mud Play

Summer Olsson
1 min read
TomŽ Mud Play
Throw that pot! (Heidi Snell/Visual Escape Images)
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Get your hands dirty during a day of clay at the Tomé Art Gallery. Then be blindfolded and throw a pot. (On a wheel, of course. Kinda like in Ghost. ) The blindfolded-pot-throwing contest is just one of the cool things happening. Gallery potters will lead visitors through multiple experiences, such as constructing clay animals. Learn how to make an olla! Don’t know what that is? Find out! Experts in specific kinds of clay firing—especially raku and horsehair—will explain what those are, and visitors can glaze and fire some premade vessels. The demo day ushers in the gallery’s annual show, which runs May 20 through 29, and features work from more than 10 professionals, as well as students from ongoing pottery classes. Works ranging from functional stoneware to sculpture will be on display.
TomŽ Mud Play

Having a good time at demo day

Heidi Snell/Visual Escape Images

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