Giant puppet samba parade? Say no more; I’m there. OFFCenter Community Arts Project is throwing its ninth annual folk art festival, We Art the People, on Sunday in Robinson Park (Eighth Street and Central NW). In addition to the parade, a family of jugglers, acrobats and magicians known as Clan Tynker will be running around spreading merriment. The daylong event—including a Rogue Bindis belly dance performance, the Cajun rhythm and blues of Joe Daddy & Hoodoo Jeff’s Swamp Fried Duo, bluegrass by Holy Water & Whiskey, and a crafting tent with supplies for kids and adults—is free. The only thing you might spend dough on is the work of more than 90 self-taught folk and community artists. OFFCenter says the sale of OFFCenter products, baked goods and yard sale items at this event will benefit the nonprofit and its low-income and/or homeless artists throughout the year. Also a portion of the food sales from the day is being donated to OFFCenter by the mobile vendors.
We Art the People
Sunday, Sept. 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Robinson Park
Central and Eighth Street, Downtown