Alibi Takes Silver And Bronze In Altweekly Awards

Warning: Own-Horn-Tooting Ahead

Kyle Silfer
1 min read
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Last Friday, the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies (we like to call ‘em AAN) announced the winners of their 12th annual AltWeekly Awards, and your little old locally-owned, independent Alibi managed to nab a few honors in its weight class. To wit:

Marisa Demarco scored an honorable mention for snappy short-form news, exemplified by the nominated articles “Downtown Fights Back,” “Through the Cracks,” and “The Path to a Cure.”

Jim Scarantino took third place in the political column category for “The Popsicle Prophecy,” “The Belly of the Beast,” and “Staying the Course is Not a Strategy.”

Jerry Cornelius, our pseudonymous tech writer (for whom I feel a certain fatherly affection) took second place in the web feature category for “Ecstatic Technology,” all about everyone’s least favorite videogame genre, the 2-D shooter.

Yeah, no gold medals, but we’re psyched anyhow, so sue us. And now, we’d like to thank all the little people …
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