Ax A Lawyer

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Ax A Lawyer
The Funniest Lawyer Picture on the Internets
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Ursaodd wrote in comment to

Q: i am an avid bicycle commutist.On april 15 i was hit by a motorist at sandia highschool, knocking me from my bike and sending me into a new reality i was once unfamiliar with. To thicken the plot it was a hit a run. I however got the licsence plate number a proceeded by calling the cops.

My confidence in good government is at a all time low. the police informed me that there is no legal consequences they can persue due to the fact it happened in a parking lot? APD nor APS police were willing to help or assist me. neither one of them is sure who took the incident report due to the fact it happened on APS property. so here the police are projecting there frustrations at me because they are unorganized and inefficeint, assuming i should know where the report that they took and are responsible for, is this possible. i mean the girl is even allowed to drive her car to school still? i let my work no and missed two days in attempt to recooperate. with a dr.’s note i returned to work (a little damaged but i can walk). (i arrange flower designs for in ground and container pot gardens.) my job was concerned with liabilty issues so i have been laid off because of my sustained injuries. i am passive non aggresive introverted and light spoken. i believe that these traits may limit the justice i seek. my kindness is all to often mistaken for weakness. i am unfamiliar with this kind of issue and POOR. however i know i am not at fault and i need help. any suggestions?By far this is the most difficult, time consuming, exspenive thing iv dealt with in over ten years.

Dear Cyclist:

It appears you have more of a civil matter rather than a criminal matter. While it is obviously against the law to run someone down on their bike, your better remedy may lie in civil court in the form of a lawsuit against the motorist and possibly APS.

You were correct to file a police report, and a copy of it should be available at the main station on Roma downtown. Also, you may want to contact a plaintiff’s attorney to discuss potential existing legal options.

Good luck


Eric Turner is a licensed attorney based in Albuquerque. Post your legal questions at or email them to
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