Beck, You Crazy Man

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
A fan made this cover
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Odd duck that he is, Beck released an album almost secretively on Tuesday, Oct. 3. My roommate is an gigantoid Beck fan. If anyone would have known about the new disc, The Information it would have been her. Still, I guess he was leaking tracks and videos for it on his myspace page for about a month, according to online fan chatter. It was a surprise to us, anyway.

From what I’ve heard so far, it’s pretty sweet. He did two supergenius things to make it that much better: 1) He included videos for every single song. They’re really bizarre and fun. 2) There’s no album cover, just what looks like graph paper and stickers inside so you can make your own. Amazon is letting people share their customer-made images.

Odd, but very smart that Beck.

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