Beer Porn

What Alibi Contributors Do With Their Micro-Paychecks

Laura Marrich
1 min read
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Evan and Alex are food and bev bloggers. They’re also the bubbly brains behind our Hip Hops beer column and other feats of culinary daring published in the Alibi .

Every once in a while, we cut them a check. I just assumed they blew the extra change on rent and the occasional pilgrimage to
Lucky Baldwin’s in Old Town Pasadena (if you like Belgian beer and you get the opportunity, go there).

Nope. They’re amassing a
beer cave with the money. So far, they’ve got "a small but respectable collection, around 75 bottles that run the gamut from oily 13 percent ABV malt sludge to wild yeast Belgians." The goal is to collect and hold 99 bottles, drinking and replacing them with new finds one at a time. They made this video to show their progress. I told them I was touched that such beauty came from our dirty, dirty money.
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