Bump It!

Patricia Sauthoff
1 min read
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OMG! It’s summer. Y’know how I know? I mean, other than the short skirts all around town.

Bass baby. It’s blaring out of cars all over Central. Just now, on a quick ciggie break I got a taste of the old school. N.W.A.’s “
F* Tha Police,” Onyx’s “Slam” (seriously, and that was NOT expected) and a little throwback from a few years ago, Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy.” Yay!

I love cruisin’ music, though I’m never too good at choosing my own selections. In high school my best friend and I went for a little Main Street U.S.A. drive through downtown Silver City — where she’d just moved — blasting Smashing Pumpkins. Naturally, we got some funny looks, but eventually she made friends anyway. (In my own defense, I at least made sure her Grateful Dead CD stayed where it belonged, in the case under the seat.)
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