Burque Zines Unite!

A Small Magazine, People

Summer Olsson
2 min read
Burque zines unite!
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We’ve got some really great zines in this city. If you don’t know about them, or don’t know where to get them, come to the zine reading tonight! If you’re too lazy to read, or don’t like to, that’s okay too–tonight people will read to you!

Those who want to read from their zines, or even from someone else’s they love, are invited to email cellardoorgifts@gmail.com and get a spot. Everyone else is just invited to come check out some new issues of various tiny mags.

These readers are confirmed so far: Erik Gamlem, Marya Jones, Mike Smith and Lisa Barrow

There will be snacks, and a big special announcement about the upcoming Albuquerque Zine Fest. People 12 years old and up, please!

Some new zines I already grabbed

Hitting the streets this week is the latest “Wig Wam Bam,” the zine of local music and nepotism put forth by sometimes
Alibi contributor Captain America. This one will review about six months’ worth of shows. Pick it up at Cellar Door, Winning Coffee and Low Spirits. Also hot off the press is the new Nightly Noodle Monthly, a brochure for the inside of Eva Avenue’s brain. Snag it at Winning, and other places she might put it.

(Special thanks to my hand models who both have very good-looking faces that were not useful in these shots)

Zine Reading

Thursday, June 16, 7 to 10 p.m.

Cellar Door Gifts and Gallery

147 Harvard SE

750-1471, cellardoorgifts.com

Burque zines unite!

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