Call Of The Wild

Christie Chisholm
1 min read
Fine. So they’re not feather tulips. But do you know how hard it is to find non-copyrighted images of feather tulips on the Internet? Harder than you might think.
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While bicycling to work this morning (the whole four blocks here from my house), I noticed tulips growing in a pot in front of the corner bistro. They were one of those varieties that seems to camouflage its petals as feathers, so its buds are strangely reminiscent of ’20s flappers and Vegas dancing girls. They were also the first flowers I’ve noticed this spring (I like to live under the delusion that as soon as days start get longer again, it’s officially spring). That’s not to say they’re the first flowers of 2007, but they’re the first I really noticed.

This makes me realize that, aside from my delusions, we are, in fact, entering springtime. It’s nearly the season for roasted marshmallows, citronella candles and sunscreen. It also means the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance has released its 2007 Hiking Guide, detailing more than "40 hikes, backpacks, car-camps and 19 Wilderness service projects across the state." What better way to usher in the flowers?

If you want to get your hands on one, they’re only $5 and can be purchased by calling (505) 843-8696.
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