Meet Mu-Hua Yang. She and her husband Chen will be opening the Central Deli, downtown’s newest eatery, in the space formerly occupied by Relish at 411 Central NW. The Yangs have owned and operated several restaurants in Albuquerque over the years, but this is their first venture into the world of sandwiches. The emphasis will be on fresh ingredients, Mu-Hua explains. There will be some old favorites, like a pastrami reuban, as well as some tantalizing innovations, like the curry shrimp sandwich. Hot sandwiches, cold sandwiches, salads… it sure will be nice to have a new lunch option downtown.This Friday, March 5, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Central Deli will be handing out free samples of their food. The will also be giving 25% off for the entire month of March. I can hardly wait.