Closing Statements In The Iraq War Protesters’ Trial

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Closing Statements in the Iraq War ProtestersÕ Trial
From the Alibi’s March 27, 2003 cover (Signeli Agnew)
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Word is closing statements will probably begin tomorrow.

It’s been seven years since the March 20, 2003 protest, a night that saw police in riot gear, launching gas grenades, and shooting pepper-ball and beanbag guns. Hundreds took to the streets to speak out against the Iraq War. Eleven protesters filed suit against the Albuquerque Police Department and the city saying their civil and constitutional rights were violated.

We’ve been following the trial. Read our coverage
here and here.

The trial is open to the public. If you want to see justice in action, head down to the Federal Courthouse on the northwest corner of Lomas and Fourth Street. It’s in the Rio Grande room on the third floor. Don’t bring a cell phone or any electronics. Entry is easiest if you don’t have much with you.
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