(Comic) Relief For Your “Raging Election”

Margaret Wright
3 min read
(Comic) Relief for Your ÒRaging ElectionÓ
[url]http://www.flickr.com/photos/68845396@N00/88840043/[/url]Malingering[xurl]/ [url]http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/[/url]CC BY-SA 2.0[xurl]
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Give your burning, breaking news ulcer a few moments of respite. For your Election Day amusement, a small compendium of comedian tweets:

@iamjohnoliver: If Mitt Romney wins the election tonight, the White House will be one of the smallest houses he’s ever lived in.

@GregtheGrouch: My polling place smelled like fish sticks today.

@steveagee: Vote yes on prop These Nuts

@Hamptonyount: How much did it cost you guys to vote? I feel like I got a deal.

@JohnCleese: Presidential election today when we finally find out just how batty America is…

@jackiekashian: Andy, "I anticipate a happy ending. To my raging election."

@toddbarry: They don’t make a sticker for
what I did today.

@tedalexandro: Senior citizen volunteers overseeing newfangled computer voting machines? There’s no way this could go wrong!

@birbigs: Today is Halloween for adults. Let’s all pretend we live in a democracy. #VOTE

@friedmanjon: I just voted for some Kenyan guy. LOL!

@mileskahn: Does anyone know if Fox News is on suicide watch? I’m really worred about them.

@mitchfatel: Just released! Documents prove Obama is half black!

@DougBenson: I’d like to see four more years of BREAKING BAD. Can we vote for that?

@mileskahn: Nate Silver says there’s a 95% chance that if Obama wins he’s "so getting laid."

@JenKirkman: An old lady who lives at the senior place I’m voting in just yelled out her room "Shut up!" to a crying baby. She’s prob a hologram of my future.

Are you kidding me Florida?

@PaulScheer: Vote No on Prop 36 which requires everyone you know to have a podcast. #vote2012

@julieklausner: Putting on shoes, getting ready to vote. If they don’t have stickers OR a sugar free lolly for me, I’m going to flip my shit.

@JoshSneed: Just stole a big roll of "I Voted" stickers when this guy wasn’t looking in case anyone that just wants to be left alone needs one. ‘Merica.

@EugeneMirman: The Internet isn’t the only place to tell strangers they’re idiots, you can yell at folks in voting lines or throw leftover CSA veggies too.

@thelovemaster: Interesting how they word proposition descriptions to spin u. Think I just saw 1 promising daily blow jobs. #gotmyvote

@aishatyler: Yes. Vote first. Game second. You can’t save the universe from the Covenant menace if you haven’t saved democracy first.

@Ruth_A_Buzzi: How can we vote when they haven’t even done that part where we see them in their swim suits?

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