Crash Down

Steven Robert Allen
1 min read
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Back in the '50s, a TWA flight crashed into Domingo Baca Canyon on the west side of the Sandias, killing all 16 people on board. My wife and I just bought our very first digital camera this last weekend, and we decided the perfect place to test it out would be at the crash site. It's a strange, somber place—very remote, at least by Sandia standards. Most of the metal parts of the plane are still there, as well as the tires, crammed into a slim and shady slot canyon located almost directly under the tram cables. Here's my brief digital photo essay. Enjoy!

P.S.: The definitive guide for hiking in the Sandias is currently Mike Coltrin's Sandia Mountain Hiking Guide (UNM Press, $19.95), which includes an excellent map. If you're a cheapskate, you might be able to make do with Coltrin's website,

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