Democrats Hate Robotech?

Devin D. O'Leary
1 min read
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So, yeah. Over the weekend, New Hampshire State Rep. Nick Levasseur apparently put a post on his Facebook page slagging anime and by extension the entire nation of Japan. He wrote—and I quote—“anime is a prime example that 2 nukes just wasn’t enough.” First off, two obvious things: 1) He was joking, 2) The joke is in incredibly poor taste. Now, the less obvious point: Why in the hell was an elected official wasting his time—even if it was just a Facebook post—ripping on Japanese animation? Is this what we hired this dork for? Doesn’t he have better things to do with his time? Shouldn’t he be insulting John Boehner instead? I know—because Rush Limbaugh told me—that Democrats hate freedom. But do they also have to hate giant robots, large-breasted schoolgirls in tiny skirts and squeaky-voiced cartoon animals?
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