Did He Stick The Dismount?

Mark Lopez
1 min read
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Call it a guardian angel. Call it divine intervention. Call it plain dumb luck. Whatever faith you subscribe to or mantras you chant to place more significance on circumstance, one thing is especially clear: Dylan Hayes is one lucky little kid.

Like a cat that refuses to fall face-first, Dylan tumbled out of a third story window—while his mother, Jessica Hayes, was shampooing their carpet—and landed on his feet. Upon hearing her mother scream, Hayes assessed that he had fallen out of the window and ran downstairs in a panic. Not knowing what to expect, she saw that Dylan was standing there and appeared to be unharmed.

As a precaution, he was held at the hospital in Aurora, Colo. for 20 hours and was asked to wear a neck brace, though he walked away from the incident seemingly without a scratch.

If there’s one thing that we can learn from this incident, other than placing extra care when taking care of a toddler, it’s that when all else fails, children can still make great gymnasts or future superheroes.
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