Last Friday the dog people won. It wasn’t really much of a race, seeing as it was Take Your Dog to Work Day. Here at the Alibi we often have dogs of various sizes running around, but TYDTWD found an extra pooch chillin’ in newspaper land.But, at least according to some Facebook group, Wednesday is the day for cat people to take revenge! It’s Bring Your Cats (notice the plural) to Work Day. Whoo hoo. No more shall the cat people be marginalized, forced to rid their clothing of fur, explain that the baggies in our pockets are filled with the kindest of catnip or be made fun of for purring when we’re happy. Our cat friends can show our coworkers why we’re as crazy as we are. So, allergics, stock up on your favorite allergy medicine, bring a lint brush and be prepared for keyboard sleeping. It’s a cat-vasion!Luckily for all Wednesday is not a deadline day for the Alibi, otherwise the entire paper might look like this: uu˙∆˜†aq;y7803aqby an loiq3ruqht5j nAnd, sadly, my beasts shall stay at home because while I like the idea of Bring Your Cat to Work Day, I’m pretty sure my cats wouldn’t like it at all.