Dragon Artist Flies Again

Thanks, Person Whose Signature I Can’t Make Out

Summer Olsson
2 min read
Dragon Artist Flies Again
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It was back at the end of June that a mystery artist created a 50+ foot NeverEnding Story-esque beast on the plastic wrap that masks the Anasazi building’s lower parts. It was beautiful, but I pass the intersection everyday. The piece stayed up so long that I got used to it. I don’t really know when it got washed away, but only looked up one afternoon and it was gone.

A replacement dragon appeared on Monday morning. This one is green! It’s not as long, but still impressive in size. It’s also lumpier. (That’s not really an insult to a dragon.) What I like about these pieces is their fuzziness, their ambiguity. The creatures could be from any mythology. They could be Asian, Eastern European, fictional or whatever. At first glance, I thought the dragon rider was wearing a sombrero. But it could be one of those old-timey jungle explorer hats. Or maybe a fantasy hat of the world from which the dragon hails.

The green behemoth has lips. Or does it? It definitely has teeth. Or maybe it’s just that brush-like stuff whales have. One thing’s for sure, it looks drowsy. I feel you, sleepy dragon. I’m glad we can commiserate as I walk to work each morning.

Green Dragon with Rider

Now until they take it down, 24 hours

SE corner of Central and Sixth Street

Dragon Artist Flies Again

Dragon Artist Flies Again

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