Dream Globally, Sleep Locally

Christie Chisholm
1 min read
Otters practicing for the Global Lucid Dreaming Experiment
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Here’s some advance warning for people who like the idea of sleeping with others–or, dreaming with others.

As part of the 19
th annual National Dream Hotline, the School of Metaphysics is putting on a Global Lucid Dreaming Experiment next Sunday, April 29, from 6 to 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. How does it work? Honestly, I’m not sure. The website’s pretty vague on the issue. But if you’re interested there’s a good chance you already know how to do this sort of thing. I know it involves dreaming "consciously" and tapping into dreams from other people around the world.

The National Dream Hotline allows you to call in and get your dreams analyzed by experts. It runs from Friday, April 27, at 6 p.m. to Sunday, April 28, at midnight, CDT. Click here for a list of numbers to call (unfortunately, they’re all long distance).
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