Fda To Change Chocolate Standards

Deadline To Comment Is Wednesday, April 25

Christie Chisholm
1 min read
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I just discovered a disturbing piece of e-mail in my inbox. I looked into it and it all seems to check out. According to the message:

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering redefining ‘chocolate’ to allow substitution of vegetable oil ($0.70/lb.) for cocoa butter ($2.30/lb.), and whey protein for dry whole milk. There are already standard terms to differentiate these products from chocolate, such as ‘chocolatey’ and ‘chocolate-flavored.’ The change was requested by the industry group Chocolate Manufacturers of America. Leading the resistance to this change is high-end chocolate maker Guittard, with significant grass-roots support from the Candyblog. The FDA is taking consumer comments until April 25. Here is the FDA page on the proposed change, which oddly enough does not say what the proposed change is."

If you want to submit a comment asking the FDA to stand against the proposed change (I just did), here’s a page that gives easy instructions. It only takes a minute, and you only have until Wednesday to do it.
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