Fight Media Consolidation, Watch El-P On “Conan”

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Chuck D thinks important thoughts about media consolidation.
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Man. I’m seriously in love with the new El-P disc, I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead . Just a few days ago, I got past the first five tracks. For months, I’d finish track five and though I knew the rest of the album was great, I’d really want to hear the first track again, so I’d skip back. Is this odd listening habit a problem for anyone else? You ever get really into a song, or maybe even just an intro, to the exclusion of all other music?

Anyway, El-Producto will be on “Conan” tonight.

Also, if you’re not doing anything around noon tomorrow, why not attend a rally against media consolidation? Hutton Broadcasting is trying to buy KBAC, KLBU and KWRP in Santa Fe. Head over to the Santa Fe Plaza tomorrow to hear from Gary Farmer and Chuck D.
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