First Line Rundown

Sam Adams
1 min read
First line rundown
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They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but how far do you really need to delve into a novel to tell if you’ve hit a literary goldmine or simply something that will make nice ornamentation for your toilet tank? With that question in mind, I offer up some first lines from books that have recently landed on my desk:

“Why, thank you. I’m getting in shape to die.”

—The Widower’s Tale , Julia Glass

“All the trouble, of course, began with Velázquez.”

—The Petting Zoo, Jim Carroll

“Abraham’s heels clicked along the marble floor as he moved the length of the room.”

—The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill , Heather Brewer

“Dr. Learmont, newly appointed general practitioner for the districts of West Masedown and New Eliry, rocks and jolts on the front seat of a trap as it descends the lightly sloping path of Versoie House.”

—C , Tom McCarthy
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