Food Truck Fight?

Ty Bannerman
1 min read
Food Truck Fight?
( Ricardodiaz11 )
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As food trucks grow in popularity and start motoring into more and more parts of our city, there are bound to be some growing pains associated with them. The Nob Hill Neighborhood Association will be discussing some food truck related issues at their meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m. at Build New Mexico (122 Tulane).

In particular, some members of the Association are concerned that food trucks have been blocking usage of brick and mortar businesses and clogging up public parking. They’d like to see the area’s zoning changed so that trucks are relegated to setting up shop outside of parking lots and away from storefronts. Others believe that the mobile restaurants make the area more pedestrian friendly and vibrant overall and shouldn’t be restricted.

If you’ve got an opinion on this issue, consider stopping by the meeting and voicing your concerns. You can also email the Nob Hill Main Street Board at or leave a comment on the Neighborhood Associatin’s
facebook page.

We at the Alibi will be following this issue as well, so check back for updates in the near future.
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