I have been left, via my deceased brother’s estate, the remains of what might be one of the largest variety and number of Native American Art and Crafts, costing my brother $150,000-$200,000 . These represent over 50 yrs of collecting from all over the country and were part of his Texas gallery as well as his personal collection.The Clock is Ticking – due to my own poor health and having no heirs, I will sacrifice all, or any portion, of this collection for any offer that makes sense at all. All pieces are shown with prices already marked down to 20-50% of their gallery price/value.Quick, hop on a plane, fly to Austin, and make me an offer. I will consider any cash offer, made in person, for any and all pieces. Because of my disability and people wasting my time, I no longer pack, weigh, and/or ship items. Everything from this point on will be sold in person for cash.