Four Simple Ways To Save Money On Food

Bruce D. McMaster
3 min read
Four Simple Ways to Save Money on Food
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Do you ever wonder where your hard-earned dollars go when you purchase services, food and other merchandise? A large percentage of it goes to big corporations that, of course, are in business to make money—hence the need for them to mark up every product 100 percent or more. You, the hard working individual, take it in stride without giving it much thought. As a result, you usually go to a supermarket and buy what you require—but this need not be. If you’re willing, I shall show you how, by taking a different path, you will be able to save a substantial amount of money.

Shop Ethnic Markets— One way I’ve been able to save a considerable amount of money has been to buy at Chinese, Hispanic, and East Indian stores. As an example: I purchased an Atlantic salmon for $2.99 a pound at a Chinese store. The next day, I walked into a major chain food store where the same fish was being sold for $9.99 a pound. Another example is of a woman who bought 2-ounce bottles of spice at a chain store for $8 whereas, it was available at a Chinese store for $4. And still another example is when I found I could buy potatoes for ten cents a pound at a Chinese store while it cost $1 at a chain store.

Make a List— If you find it impractical to buy at one of the type stores mentioned, at least, avoid impulse buying—make a list of things you really need before going to the store and stick by it. Then do comparison shopping by going to various stores, pad and pencil in hand, to find out which one offers the best prices.

Form a Co-op— When I was a poor university student, I thought to myself, Why am I spending so much for necessities just to get by? I decided to get together with some other students and start our own co-op. With this decision made, I got a license to buy wholesale. Once a week, I would take my truck and go to a wholesaler with my list and buy everything we needed—beans, potatoes, canned goods, etc. Then every member would put in a couple hours to weigh out smaller quantities of food for distribution to co-op members. The same type of operation can be accompanied by a group of family members and/or others. At times, we would buy quantities of food and animals directly from farmers, thus eliminating the middleman. By hauling off excess produce farmers didn’t want, we were able to save 30 to 100 percent.

Trade— Another way we can save considerable amounts of money is through barter. This can be done through people you know or friends who have services or products each would be willing to trade. For example, I’ve bartered some of my artwork in an even trade for things I needed.
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