Latest Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
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According to an article on’s Science & Technology page (which usually spends all its time making fun of global warming), an online videogame retailer talked 7,500 of its customers into unwittingly selling their souls. British retailer GameStation added a clause to its online purchase page on April 1 st that said, “By placing an order via this Web site on the first day of the fourth month of the year 2010 Anno Domini, you agree to grant Us a non transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul. Should We wish to exercise this option, you agree to surrender your immortal soul, and any claim you may have on it, within 5 (five) working days of receiving written notification from or one of its duly authorised minions.” The company did it to point out how few people actually read online terms and conditions of shopping. A week after harveting the souls of its customers, the site announed that all souls would be returned. Good on ya, GameStation.