Grandfather Knows Best

Stephanie Garcia
1 min read
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It is quite possible that your grandmother could be the next Dear Abby.

It's true according to a service that puts Gramps and Grammy on the Web as advisors and confidants.

Seniors at La Vida Llena Retirement Community in Albuquerque are stepping up to the plate. Members of the retirement community have joined the Elder Wisdom Circle, a national Web-based nonprofit organization that offers free online advice from wise elderly people.

Seniors, aged 60 to 97, volunteer their time and wisdom to people seeking advice for no charge. They advise people on subjects such as dating, family issues, children, careers, home improvement and self improvement as well as other things.

Verizon Wireless provided a grant to the EWC to establish Wisdom Circles at retirement centers throughout the United States. La Vida Llena in Albuquerque was just recently put on the list.

Wisdom Circle encourages young people to log on the website and join the Circle as associate members and “advice seekers” free of charge. Visit

So next time you're in a bind, just remember your grandmother's good, old fashioned advice is just a mouse-click away. Too bad, it doesn't come with freshly baked oatmeal cookies.

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