Hangover Sports Roundup

Locksley Finally Fired, Jones Dominates Jackson, Bills Surprise Patriots

Justin Goodrum
3 min read
Hangover Sports Roundup
A badly battered Rampage congratulates Jon Jones
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Lobo Football

Looks like the ongoing nightmare of Lobo Football may finally be coming to an end. After suffering an embarrassing home loss to Sam Houston State 48-45 in overtime and news of a Lobo recruit getting a
DWI in a vehicle registered to Mike Locksley, Athletic Director Paul Krebs finally had enough. On Sunday, Krebs finally pulled the plug on the Locksley experiment and announced Defensive Coordinator George Barlow will coach the squad for the rest of the season. Locksley’s 2-26 record and off the field issues had fans wishing for the days of former coach Rocky Long. At least under Long, the team appeared in bowl games and was a respected member of the Mountain West Conference. Now Lobo Football may be at its lowest point ever with only 16,313 fans attending the loss to Sam Houston State. When players got news of the firing, they seemed shocked and upset the University did give Locksley a chance to finish the season. But UNM will need to have a short memory as New Mexico State comes into University stadium looking to capture their second victory of the season.

UFC 135

Fans and media thought underdog
Rampage Jackson would give Jon Jones the biggest test of his entire career. Instead Jones showed an evolved display of striking which confused and battered Jackson for four rounds. From kicks to spinning back elbows, Jones discouraged and drained the heart of Jackson, enabling him to be the first man to finish Rampage in the UFC. Despite receiving most of the boos from the Denver crowd, Jones remained humble in victory. So Jones will now get ready for perhaps the most personal grudge match in MMA history as former Jackson-Winkeljohn fighter Rashad Evans is next in line for a title shot.


Typically the
Buffalo Bills are considered one the bottom feeders in the AFC. So when the Bills had a shot to to stay undefeated and end their 15-game losing streak to the New England Patriots, many thought Buffalo would return to their losing ways. For the first half, that was true as the Patriots took a 21-0 lead. But the Bills defense came through, forcing Tom Brady to throw four interceptions. Buffalo quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick continued his rise up the league ranks with two touchdowns, leading his team for a winning field goal in the 34-31 victory. Buffalo needed the victory more than New England and should move to 4-0 against struggling Cincinnati next week. Meanwhile, New England should be fine and will rebound against the newly confident Oakland Raiders.
Hangover Sports Roundup

No more Mike

Hangover Sports Roundup

A triumphant Ryan Fitzpatrick leaves the field 3-0

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