Hauling Ass

Laura Marrich
1 min read
Hauling Ass
Look past the text and wild girls, and you’ll see the bus in at least three distinct places on this poster.
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I just ate lunch, at Relish, in the shadow of the Girls Gone Wild Bus.

I understand it’s parked there because GGW is sanctioning wet T-shirt contest ($300 cash prize, ladies) at Sauce/Raw tonight as part of their "2008 Search for the Hottest Girl in America." (None appeared to be onboard as of 4:45 p.m.)

In the span of less than half an hour, I watched no less than 25 dudes amble by, like spellbound
rednecks in the pull of a tractor beam, to take pictures with their cellphone cameras. Not of actual girls, mind you. Just the bus.

And it’s still there. Relish is closed for the day now, but the Sauce patio opens at 6 p.m. Plenty of primo bus-watching space is still available.
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