Have You Met Our New Columnist? He’s A Pervert.

Marisa Demarco
1 min read
Have you met our new columnist? HeÕs a pervert.
It’s the hat that makes him pervy, nuh? (Marisa Demarco)
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Maybe that’s an exaggeration. He only writes about boners sometimes , and it’s always about political boners, which is serious business. No really, it’s the guy behind NM Defamation Suit. I love that blog, so I wrote him an e-mail and asked him to pen a column for me. He said yes. What a good story!

He’s going to remain cloaked by the stealthy code name David D. David. I drew this picture of him so you could put a face to the name.

Last week, he wrote about guv-elect
Susana Martinez’ flirtations with liberalism. Next up, he’ll solve the education crisis. He’ll probably get to it on Friday. We’ll have to see.
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