How To Talk On The Internet (About Race)

Edith P. Giblets
1 min read
How to Talk on the Internet (About Race)
“Let’s talk about race, bay-bee. Let’s talk about you and me.”
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Sometimes we on the ol’ Alibi blog (not to mention maybe any blog anywhere) don’t handle discussions pertaining to race (or sexuality, or gender) very well. The answer to this isn’t to stop talking about these things, but rather, to think about appropriate way to enter into and sustain such a conversation.

Jezebel has listed 10 rules for commenting on topics regarding race. I think the most important is number one: it’s not about you personally. Learn to think and respond beyond the realm of your own experience. Certain groups should also really ruminate on the “no whiners” rule.

Somehow, I know that posting something about creating civil discussions will prompt uncivil remarks, so if you need to, have at it. Or maybe you could refine these “rules” for our own piece of webdom.
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