I Gotta Hit The Head

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
I Gotta Hit the Head
This is where the rich take a leak. All of them.
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Where’s the bathroom nearest you? Go to sitorsquat.com to find out.

This comes to me by way of Jeremy Reynalds, founder of Joy Junction. As reported in a late-July
Journal article, public defecation is a problem for Downtown workers and residents. That is, people use the bathroom in public down here, and it’s gross.

Reynalds tried to use the site and found:

Upon entering random information in Albuquerque, we found that there were many bathrooms available to “customers” and “private” people. If you read the map right, Albuquerque has public restrooms everywhere they can charge an entrance fee, such as the zoo and aquarium.

But we couldn’t find any “public” bathrooms actually out in public. …

Lilly (not her real name) is a recent Joy Junction life recovery program graduate. She recalled vividly the embarrassment and humiliation she suffered in years past when she had to use the bathroom.

At one point, pregnant and suffering from a urinary tract infection, Lilly went into a restaurant and asked to use the bathroom. She was not allowed to do so. Lilly said she was such dire straits she ended up relieving herself behind a dumpster in the parking lot.

"It was degrading," Lilly said.

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