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Found Item’s Owner Shows Up When Item Presented To Found Creator At Found Event (Stop Saying Found!)

Jessica Cassyle Carr
2 min read
The flyer.
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I meant to blog this a while back, but nevertheless…A while back Davy Rothbart– Found Magazine creator, This American Life contributor and all-around rad person–stopped in Albuquerque to give a talk/performance at The Guild, with his brother. I went to see them with some friends, and brought along a flyer that had been taped to the Alibi’s front door a few weeks prior. The flyer, pictured at right, was a photocopy of a hand-drawn dating solicitation so strange and delightful, we’d been admiring it around the office for some time.

At the end of the show, I presented the flyer to Davy. Just as we began discussing it, a young man ambled up and said, "that’s me." And it was him. The man from the flyer was AT The Guild, waiting to see the movie playing next. He told us he was bored one night, so he put up about 50 of these flyers around the UNM and Downtown areas. The moment was surreal. Davy, Devin O’Leary (who happened to be there), my three companions and I were amazed. "This has never happened before," Davy said of the situation, and of the found item whose originator showed up as soon as he’d received it. Because of the number of flyers actually made, maybe the scenario wasn’t as amazing as it could have possibly been, but in any case, it was the type of thing that can make you believe in magic.

The flyer’s creator with the flyer.

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