I Love You, Knot

Laura Marrich
2 min read
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Aspiring scouts, pirates, businessmen and swing-builders know that correctly tying a knot (or not) can make or break your endeavor. And it can’t be just any knot. It has to be the appropriate knot for the job. And where, exactly, is one supposed to learn this stuff? The 1930s? There’s no room in the modern world for such old-fashioned know-how. Gee whiz.

You’re thinking, You’re wrong, Laura. That’s what the Girl Scouts of America are for.

And I’m saying, Don’t believe it. I was a Girl Scout for two years, and I never built a fire, never skinned a raccoon (to later make a hat out of, I reckon) and definitely never tied a knot that wasn’t attached to my shoes. In fact, I can count my Girl Scout skill set on one hand: 1) identifying and running away from black widows (which wasn’t taught so much as inferred from watching the other girls run screaming out of the room); 2) the words and melody to "Make New Friends But Keep the Old"; and 3) door-to-door magazine, cookie and stuffed animal salesmanship. (The Girl Scouts of America is a booster club for the Boy Scouts of America. You can’t convince me otherwise.) Unless you were one of the Wilderness Girls in
Troupe Beverly Hills , where was knot-tying ever a part of the curriculum?

According to most other movies I’ve watched, quickly tying the right knot out of whatever material’s on hand is my ticket to out of a number of situations, from life-threatening to merely sticky. So I’m going to learn some of them. And Grog is going to guide me through it.

Not sure if Grog is a real person, or if that’s his actual name, but his animated knot-tying website is by far the most helpful aid I’ve come across so far. I feel it’s my sworn Girl Scout’s Duty (or Honor, or whatever) to share it with you. Bookmark
www.animatedknots.com and your next necktie attempt might not end in tears. For a change.
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