“I Saw You” And Your Tight Cinnamon-Milk Body

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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ÒI Saw YouÓ and your tight cinnamon-milk body
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Love at the airport

I was getting ready to depart to San Diego and you were walking me to security so that we could say our last goodbyes—or should I say "Good night, I will be at your side when morning comes." I could see in your eyes that this was as hard for you as it was for me. I miss you dearly. The distance between us only makes our relationship that much stronger. You said what I’ve been wanting to say for months now. I Love You. Baby, I love you too. See you next year my love.

Pro-life hottie

Dark hair, jeans, black jacket, silver extended cab toyota with a camper. Wanted to say hi, but didn’t. Later I noticed you have a pro-life sticker on your truck … too bad.

Curious Girl

We took a trip to Galveston and you were cold. So I snuggled with you. Since then it’s been 4 yrs and we have had our ups and downs, we have had our close calls of parting ways. But we have fought to keep it alive and going. So I ask you to keep fighting for us, for our future. I love you today, tomorrow, and forever.

Genius in the Bedroom

There are nights when I remember how clever you were at making love. Blowing your breath on me. Turning to look when I’m behind you. Butterfly kisses while you’re mounting me … who is so artistically hot like that? Now that we’re just friends I can say this and know I’m being honest: you were the best lover I’ve ever had. And you never had to be so smart. Your tight cinnamon-milk body made you the best, all by its gorgeous, dancing self. Ten out of ten. I’ll never make love like that again. JB

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