"I Saw You" At Ace With Silent Bob

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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You are such a flirt and it drives me wild. I try to hide my smile by biting my lip or turning away but it becomes more and more obvious everyday. I wish you would give me some real sign that this was real and not just another game.

MIA: ABQ Cyclist

You are a gentleman who is taller than I am which is 5’5". You have short salt and pepper hair, wear Buddy Holly glasses, brown eyes (I think), and laugh freely and easily. You enjoy reading and music. You’re athletic, including cycling. You own a black Mountain Hardware jacket and have an iPhone that reports the temperature at any given moment! You lived in Santa Fe and now in Albuquerque. There is one problem: you obviously don’t read the Alibi! Maybe one of your friends will pass this on …

Let’s Give ‘Em Somethin’ To Talk About …

How About Love? Just bring your magnificent golden shikseh frame down here and let this silver-tongued devil bestow TLC on it. You know where to go … you know you want to.

Saturday the 9th, at ACE with Silent Bob

You were the cute blonde asking to take pics with me. I never got your name. I can’t get you out of my mind. I went searching for you later but never found you. I still owe you a drink or two!
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