"I Saw You" At Carlisle & Indian School

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." –Carl Jung | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

To Doom From Gloom

I’m crazy about you, R. Although I’ve known you for over twenty years, these last fourteen months with you have been amazing. You are the only one I want to kiss, hold hands and be with. You make me smile. Everytime you say that we are soulmates my heart lights up. You are gorgeous, unique, sexy and charming. I’d marry you tomorrow. I thank God everyday for bringing us together. T
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black-haired beauty

Girl driving green ford truck with camper on Carlisle and Indian School Thursday the the 19th around 4pm. Smiled at each other twice, wish I would’ve said hi. I was driving Gray Grand Am jamming out. Would like to meet up sometime.
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I felt your energy

We made eye contact, it felt great! You were wearing a black shirt and driving a white car, (not sure the make/model). I was wearing a red polo cap and I was a food vendor. You placed your order and as I gave you your order, you told me "You made my weekend," as you were telling your brother to get back in his ride lol. I would like to talk to you and see why our paths crossed. It sparks the curiosity in me 🙂

Hope to hear from you soon.
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I Think I Saw You…

Tony, former supervisor for Digital, was that you I saw at Nob Hill on Central this past Saturday night? If it was, click below and let me know how you’ve been doing these past years. Let’s catch up.
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