"I Saw You" At Cnm

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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"You can observe a lot just by watching." –Yogi Berra | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

Black-haired woman at Tractor

You were with the older gentleman in the corner of the patio, but you kept smiling at me. Denim shorts and a butterfly tattoo on your right shoulder. You were stunning!
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CNM Hunk

First saw you about 4 years ago, and would see you quite often at CNM. We would ride the 16/18 as well. Haven’t seen you in a long time, but saw you today on the Central bus on my way to Starbucks. I think you are totally hot, and I would jump on your bone immediately LMFAO. Obviously though, you do not feel the same because not once have you paid me any mind… Oh well. Just know you got it going on!
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I Knew It Was You, Suzie Q

Suzie Q, I knew that was you feigning interest in my car. I was just playing along so the guy on the Hog you were passenger on wouldn’t catch on. He looked perturbed enough as it was. You still look good but I’m worried that you are way too thin for your own good. Take care of yourself, and I hope he can make you happier than I was able to. You didn’t really take into account what I had been through. Maybe the "Princess" story can give you some idea.
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