"I Saw You" At Marble Brewery

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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“Love is when you meet someone who tells you something new about yourself.” –Andre Breton

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Rush hour meeting on San Antonio NE

Saw you on San Antonio this week in your white SUV in rush hour traffic. I told you how pretty you were and you introduced yourself and your son to me while waiting at a red light. I should have asked for your number! Still interested? Let me know 🙂

Back turned to me at Marble Brewery – evening of Feb.19th

Young and slim, with coke bottle rims. You showed up as it got dark and windy, and sat at the only stained and varnished table with my friend and I—the girl in the blue beanie, you caught me making eyes all night and I meant to be caught. I wanted to say hello but as my pal left to pay his tab, yours came back with her beer. Was she a date? Either way, I’d like you to take me out. Let’s chat, or more. I do adore your smile and I am prone to a loud laugh or two, clearly. My eyes spoke volumes.
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