"I Saw You" At The Casino

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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“At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet,” said Plato. Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

Crab Legs

You were a beautiful woman from Peñasco living in Albuquerque, eating with daughter and friends at Cities of Gold. Me? Heavily tattooed guy that was very interested in you but was too shy to initiate anything more. Sure wish I had. Tell me what kind of car you were honking at us in and I’ll know it’s you.

Kelly’s on Fourth

It was dark already, Christmas Eve, I was buying a bottle of wine with my mom. We made heavy eye contact more than once. I couldn’t help but notice those green eyes behind those sexy dark rimmed glasses. You were polite and waited so we could walk by, quite the gentleman. And man, did I dig your style, clean cut, but a little rough around the edges…..


Ya got me babe, you are my Cher. Eyebrows for days, lipstick stains, tequila, tequila sometimes I just wanna kill ya. Coffee on Tuesday? Stop reading this and go on GET! Happy Birthday dumb dumb.

I Once Knew True Love

Your soft, fleshy mounds

commandeered and guided me

to your silky warmth.

Your scent overwhelmed

and directed my senses

to your pink petals.

My love for you was

as a quasi-religious

mystical experience.

You anointed me

with your savory essence

and left me wanting.

You will always be

until the end of my days

my only true love.

I will die knowing

and thanking the blue heavens

I once knew true love.

–J on the Northeast Waiting.

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