"I Saw You" At The Co-Op, At Keller’s, In Placitas And At Kinkos

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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From bed to Co-op

In fruits and veggies, then the check-out line at La Montanita—rumpled hair, striped boxers peeking out over Levi’s. What a lovely morning sight! I imagined you running back to bed to your waiting femme, after grabbing her a few breakfast items. Just wanted to say you are adorable!

Meet me at the meat counter

I work at Keller’s, you shop there. I usually wrap your steaks, but this last time you bought meat for jerky. and in doing so, your smile jerked at my heart strings. I’ve made you laugh, you’ve made me smile. Let’s make it a point to talk one day. You last came this past Sunday wearing blue jean shorts and a green tank. You were with a guy, and if you’re together, my apologies. Either way, you’re beautiful.

At the Placitas Fire Station on 165

I saw you at the meeting about the Cashwell insanity. You were grossly fat wearing shorts and said, "I like Fox News" because you saw my bumper sticker—"Tired of Hearing Those Voices In Your Head? Turn Off Fox News." I said you can like it, but it’s all lies. And you persisted, just like a host of Fox In The Morning with a talking point: "Well, I like Fox News." Let’s never meet and I hope you become less stupid someday.


I ran after you out of Kinkos to give you your document back. You are stunningly attractive. I noticed you as soon as I walked in. I asked you to lunch. Please give Cowboy Mel a chance to get to know you. You: Minnesota Hottie in blue. Me: New Mexico ethnic, white shirt & bolo.
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