"I Saw You" At The Phantogram Show

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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"Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you." –Adlai E. Stevenson | Reply or see more “I Saw You” ads at alibi.com/personals.

Che Donna Bella…..

I speculate on your age, as I really don’t know because you often use your daughter’s date of birth as your own. It doesn’t matter. You are eternally beautiful and your Wise Girl and porn-star background made you that much more appealing and interesting. Found your photos on the internet! If you’d stuck around, you wouldn’t have lost your home, and experienced many other happy outcomes. On the approaching 10th anniversary: "Che donna bella, her hoohah’s like dolce panetella…"
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You Gave Me a Ticket to Phantogram

I was standing outside waiting to buy a ticket to a sold out Phantogram show. You walked by and handed me a ticket. I just wanted to THANK YOU!! Seriously, I’m grateful for your offering. I don’t know how to repay you, but let me know what I can do. Thank you again! View ad

I miss you Rosa

There, I’ve said it again. It pains me to smell your fragrance. Can you feel my eyes adoring you as you walk past? They linger on every curve of your body with each step you take. Grant me 10 seconds and let my hands and body feel what my eyes and nose already know. View ad
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