"I Saw You" At The Range Doing An Alibi Crossword

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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You: petite yet curvy blonde with nice jewelry and always in a dress. You do the Alibi crossword at The Range every Sunday around lunchtime with a younger couple (stunning brunette young lady and preppy looking 30-something).

Me: lone wolf. Ironically, I do the crossword too. Maybe we could share a piece of Roadhouse cake with vanilla ice cream. I know it’s your table’s favorite.

The Ladies in Lockup

My ladies in lockup on Sunday the 20th. The situation wasn’t the best, but you were rock solid. You kept me grounded. I made it through because you were there. Lady #1, I hope you kick your habit; your soul reminds me of my best friend. Lady #2 keep holding strong, make bail, and go home where you belong. I didn’t say "goodbye." I didn’t realize I was getting out. My thoughts are still with you. My wrists still burn from bracelets. Wearing them for 190 minutes is not the greatest.

Everybody’s Got Somebody … Not Me

Your smiling eyes got my attention at the SWGLFF Mexican film screening at the Guild Cinema Thursday night. I wanted to say hello after the movie but you disappeared heading west on Central before I reached you. You were confidently sitting alone in the row in front of mine. Your dark curly hair was pulled back in a perfect ponytail and you wore a merlot-colored fleece jacket with dark jeans. Let’s meet up for a drink and get to know each other.

thanks jerks

You: stealers of porch furniture and choice pumpkins. Me: hoping your personal demons consume you. That was a really great pumpkin, you jerks.
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