“I Saw You” At Zinc, On A Cervelo, At The Unm Satellite And On Facebook

Who Saw? Who Was Seen? Was It You?

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ÒI Saw YouÓ at Zinc, on a Cervelo, at the UNM Satellite and on Facebook
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Zinc Cellar bar a week ago

My friend and I came in late and bumped you and your friend over a seat at the bar. Le Chat Lunatique was playing their last song. We had a brief chat and then we left. Brown hair in a bun, triangle earrings, black shirt. You said you always wanted an ‘I saw you’ about you. Here it is.

Cervelo woman

You: pretty lady on the pretty new Cervelo, northbound on Tramway, 10:30ish on Sunday. Me: guy on the white Cervelo with the smile and the ‘NICE BIKE’ on the way past you. Would love to go for a ride sometime.

Saw you at Satellite by UNM

You ladies were doing the crossword of the
Alibi at Satellite on Thursday night. We too, do the crossword weekly. You: Giggly girls, young, thin, and very pretty!! We: same"ish" sans the giggles and we are two male friends who too love to laugh over the answers HAHAHAAAA! Let’s tag team this!

Saw you … on Facebook

Hi SG, you’re my friend on Facebook and we used to work together. You left before I got a chance to tell you that you have an amazing personality. I’d love to tell you how I really feel.
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